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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2016

[Tutorial] Complete Tutorial on Installing libresonic/subsonic Standalone on Raspberry Pi

Hình ảnh
Why Choose Libresonic over Subsonic? libresonic is essentially subsonic but with the license feature removed. Subsonic allows mobile streaming for 30 days whereas it is disabled unless you donate. The main reason as to why I decided to deploy libresonic as Standalone rather than a tomcat WAR (Web Archive) package is because tomcat8 will hang when deploying libresonic.war package for somewhat unknown reason, so I resorted to compile a debian package manually using the following method. Prerequisites Download the following packages using debian apt-get package manager: sudo apt - get install openjdk - 8 - jdk maven lintian * lintian is needed when compiling debian package * jdk8 is needed to compile booter and debian package Add the JDK8 to your environment variable JAVA_HOME. Make sure to quit the terminal session if you're logging using SSH or simply open up a new terminal after making the changes. sudo nano ~/. bashrc_profile export JAVA_HOME =/ usr / lib / jvm / jdk - 8 - oracl...